If you are keeping your parents
If you are keeping your parents! With you in their old age! No, don't think so! They are keeping you!
If you are keeping your parents
If you are serving your parents! In their old age! Don't post the photos in Facebook! Keep it secret!
If you are keeping your parents
Are you doing a favor for them? Why do you want their property in return? Why do you want their wealth in return? Then it is not your love for them! Then it becomes a trade!
If you are keeping your parents
One day You will be in same position! Your children will do the same!
If you are keeping your parents
Your love should be selfless! No one should know this! You should accept nothing in return! Even if they force to give you!
If you are keeping your parents
Then you see the miracle! It becomes true worship of Almighty! Then you can know the Almighty! By mere serving your parents!
If you are keeping your parents
Then you can achieve anything! In this world and out of the world! Then you can know who you are! Then you can know your real existence!
If you are keeping your parents
Then you can know Atma! Then you can know Paramatma! Just sitting at your home!
If you are keeping your parents
Then no need of going to temples! Then no need of going mosques! Then no need of going Tirupati! Then no need of going Mecca Kaba!
IMPORTANT- If you read this even without knowing Almighty
If you read spiritual blogs every day, you will be getting blessings of god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read this even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. You may also forward its link to your friends by email, Google, WhatsApp, Linkedin, facebook and twitter for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth. Accept my infinite love, thanks n regards.
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