Jan 03, 2011, 00:36 IST

Achieve all You Want

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Are you one of the guys who make New Year resolution and try hard to stick to those resolution all through out the year only to know at the end of the year that you could do it well enough.

I suggest a new method to achieve what you want to achieve.

Note down whatever thoughts are comming to your mind at any point of time. It may be a positive thought or a negative thought. Then look and analyze those thoughts at any moment. First ensure that you are able to act according to those simple spontaneous positive thoughts. They would be easier to do.

Now analyze your negative thoughts and try to arrive at a source of each of those thoughts. You will see that the deep seated source of them are your own fear. Fear of different colour and hues. Now just get rid of your fears. Just say to yourself that you are getting rid of those particular fears. Handle it one at a time.

Then see that the reate of your negative thoughts have reduced and your number of postive thoughts have increased.

In all these aspects see to it that your positive thoughts are not harmful to any of your fellow human beings.

Stick to this concept and then see the amazing results yourself.

You will feel so good and you will feel so successful.

"Medidate on the Glory of the Creator".

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