Feb 12, 2011, 20:18 IST

He Shows - An Offering to the Guru

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What does a Teacher show?     He shows the way. To what ...? To our real and actual identity. It is a matter of identification. Identified as we are with the matter vestiges of one’s body, emotions and thoughts, he points the way... away from our gender, name & family, relatives & relationships, health & illnesses, away from our hopes & nightmares, desires & obsessions, our ideas, opinions & philosophies, our houses, monies & wealth, friends, colleagues & friendships, irritations & phobias, our situations, our elations & our sorrows, this endless litany of all that composes the something absolutely independent of the above, larger, bigger, enduring, glorious & infinitely infinite. .. To something that always was, is, and will be, which cannot be heard, touched, seen, tasted or smelt .....only intuited.

He Shows
You think you are the wave,
He shows you are the ocean.

You think you are the flower,
He shows you are its beauty.        

You think you are the circle,           -     
He shows you are its centre.

You think you are a cloud,
He shows you are the sky.
You think you are a part,
He shows you are the Whole.

You think you're all of this,
He shows you're all of That.

You think aloud in words,
He merely points in silence. 

You think and think and think and think,
He has no thoughts at all.

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