Feb 04, 2019, 17:10 IST

Nirvana in Hinduism

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Moksha or Nirvana is the Sanskrit word for salvation. Salvation is said to have been attained when one gets freedom from the cycle of death and rebirth, uniting with the supreme soul. According to Hindu beliefs, there is a soul or Atma in all of us, which never dies with the body. Upon the death of the body in which it resides, it enters another body and experiences rebirth. According to the doings or karma of the soul in the previous life, it experiences happiness for sadness in the new life. This cycle of birth and rebirth goes on until salvation is achieved.

The path to Nirvana is set out by Lord Krishna in the Hindu religious text, Bhagavad Gita. He outlines a three-step course to attain Nirvana. They are:-

Karma Yog:

The first path to salvation is the path of actions or karma yog. Lord Krishna advises that one should always be focused on fulfilling their duties and responsibilities to the best of their ability. They should not worry or wonder about getting rewarded or applauded to fulfil their duties. They should avoid all these attachments and stay away from inactivity. He further elaborates that if a man has the self-control to go through all the ups and downs of life without any attractions, wants or dismays then that man can attain salvation.

Jnana Yog:

The second path is the path of knowledge. Lord Krishna emphasizes that this knowledge is the one which equips a man with the capacity to recognize what is the truth, what is unceasing, and what isn't. This leads a man to understand the True Self (Brahman) is all over the place, and understanding this is genuine information. At the point when obliviousness is destroyed by learning of the self, at that point, similar to the sun, information brightens ultimate reality and this ultimate truth is Brahman and is all over the place, even in the Self.

Bhakti Yog:

The third way is that of dedication (bhakti yog). This is achieved by complete devotion to the lord. Salvation or Nirvana can be attained by devoting oneself completely to the Lord by keeping him always in one’s thoughts and actions. Trusting the Lord blindly and doing as directed by him is a guaranteed way to get rid of the cycle of birth and rebirth. This is also classified by Krishna as the most effective way.

Now that we have knowledge of how Nirvana can be attained, we should also have a look at what can prove to be a hindrance in one's quest for Moksha:

- Wants and attachments (trishna and pasa).

- Vanity (anavatva), which shows as separation, narrow-mindedness, narcissism, envy, covetousness, pride, outrage, fear, and so on.

- Ignorance (ajnana) of the genuine idea of self, creation, God, and genuine information.

- Delusion (moha), which is mixing up the truth for the lie and the other way around because of the absence of acumen (buddhi kusalata).

- Power of at least one gunas (guna pravritti) to be specific sattva, rajas and tamas.

- Past karmas (karma phala sanga), which tie the spirit to the cycle of births and passings.

- Experience (vishayasakti) or inclusion with the material world.

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